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Getter Lauk


What is your role in organizing Sabatants?

I search for and communicate with our wonderful Sabatants volunteers. This year, I’m also communicating with performers, and I do everything else that’s needed at the moment.

Since what year have you been participating in Sabatants or been involved in the organizing?

My first Sabatants was probably in 2021? I unexpectedly joined the organizing team in 2022 when I was staying overnight at Leanne’s place and ended up in a Sabatants meeting. By the end of the meeting, I was recruited into the team.

What is your favorite dance?

You can never get enough of Reilender.

Whose performance or which workshop are you most looking forward to at the festival this year?

I’m most looking forward to cheering on all the performances of our good friends. And I also want to learn the dances from Ruhnu and Vormsi already.

What is your most memorable moment from Sabatants?

It was the third night of Sabatants, and my eyes just couldn’t stay open anymore. I had wisely brought a sleeping bag with me, so I took a sweet nap on the couch, while around me there were a bunch of young people having a loud and fun time. When I woke up from my nap, neither they nor I could understand how I managed to sleep through all that noise. But I was well-rested and danced until morning.