Zabaleta Anaiak

Ander eta Imanol – Zabaleta Anaiak

The Zabaleta brothers (Zabaleta Anaiak), Ander and Imanol, come from the Basque Country. With their simple, yet technical and powerful sound, the young men take us back to an ancient time and offer a…

Leanne Barbo ja Katariin Raska

Leanne Barbo & Katariin Raska
Siim Sarv

Siim Sarv

Siim Sarv is the cornerstone of Estonian dance clubs – a musician thanks to whom the dance club movement was established and who has held up the tradition for 30 years. He has stayed…

Eva Väljaots

At Sabatants, Eva will be playing on a big, diatonic Estonian külakannel („village kannel“). Her teacher on this instrument is the legendary grand old man of the Estonian külakannel – Heino Sõna. However, she…

Regina Mänd

Regina Mänd is a fiddle player who is fascinated by the authentic solo tradition of past centuries, as well by mixing of different musical genres and author’s creations inspired by newer traditional music. Her…

Helle-Mare Kõmmus

Helle-Mare Kõmmus is a guardian and irreplaceable upholder of the tradition of Hiiumaa. For years, she has been searching for the origins of Hiiu dances and music, investigating historical records and occasionally sharing her…

Dance club 2

20:00 Maris Pihlap & students 21:00 Janusz Prusinowski, Andrzej Baran, Szymon Tadla, Fryderyk Kruczek (Poland) 22:00 Ekton Korka (Udmurtia) 00:00 Natali Ponetajev & Johan Kristjan Aimla 01:00 Edita Gumauskaite, Artiom Opperman, Martynas Vingrys (Lithuania)

Dance club 3

20:00 Duo Mänd/Krüsban 21:00 Juhász Zoltán, Juhász Réka, Németh Nóra, Babinecz Sándor (Hungary) 23:00 Duo Jansen/Jüssi (Norway/Estonia) 01:00 Emilija Vaiginytė, Jogintas Čepulis, Tomas Jurginas (Lithuania) 03:00 Tallinn Dance Club Band 04:00 Free stage

Dance club 1

20:00 Aivar Arak 21:00 Krista, Raivo & Mihkel Sildoja 22:00 Kadri Lepasson & students 23:00 Kristi Kool 00:00 Katariina Tirmaste 01:00 Ülo Saaremõts

Smetonos ūsai / Smetona mustache

Smetonos ūsai’s music is rooted the recordings from the beginning of 20th century: polkas, waltzes, foxtrots and marches from Lithuania’s towns and countryside. Most of these melodies originate from the region of Aukštaitija. Wanting…