Archives: Speaker

Jæ Sweevers
In Estonia like elsewhere we have heard these wonderful Danish tunes from Fanø island in folk festivals and in folk music camps. Now you can listen to them in original form and also dance…

Julius Koppel
Julius Koppel is an accordion player from Pärnu, who’s musical background has been formed by classical, jazz, folk and popular music. While studying in music school it was always important to him to play…

Tarmo Tiisler
Sabatants 10th anniversary quiz – Test your knowledge of folk culture, folk dance and the history of the Sabatants Festival! The size of the teams should not exceed 5 members. The quiz is led…

Sprycauka is a trio, whose music goes beyond mundane melodies, making simple tunes sound exciting, fun or romantic. They mainly play lithuanian folklore dance melodies, however, seeking to improve, learned other neighbouring countries folk…

Leanne Barbo & Karolin Vetevoog
We are united through admiration towards Estonian bagpipe tradition and the desire to play with a similar style to traditional local bagpipers Jaan Piht from Saaremaa, Mustjala, Jaagup Kilström from Kuusalu, and of course,…

Lauri Õunapuu & Jaan Sarv
Lauri Õunapuu is a folk musician, singer, folklorist and folk culture activist. He has worked on hundreds and hundreds of songbooks, thousands of songs, and their background stories. In this way, he revived several…

Brička is traditional music fellowship from Latvia. The core of the group is a rare and unique accordion “ievinas” (after the constructor Augusts Ieviņš).The repertoire includes traditional Latvian dances from the beginning of the…

Oskars Patjanko, Lauma Bērza, Ilona Dzērve
Ziemeļlatgales balle / North – Latgalian ball Our project is a tribute to wonderful folk musician Alberts Mednis and all the music and stories he has given to us. We will play traditional dance…

Kadri Lepasson
A native of South Estonia, Kadri Lepasson plays polkas, waltzes and social dances on kannels and accordions. She is a wonderful dancer as well as dance teacher and is currently organising, teaching and playing…